Primary Township Ashley Clinton
Area 20,476 hectares
Number of farms Greater than 20ha = 99
Tukituki Dashboard results DIN, DRP
Who are we working with HBRC, NZ Landcare Trust
Committee Colin Tyler, Willie White, Megan Petersen, Tom White, PJ White, Nathan Congreve and Michelle Goodman (Coordinator)

Colin Tyler
Catchment Group Contact
Michelle Goodman [Catchment Co-ordinator]
tukipo@outlook.com | 0274749998
The TCCG was set up by the community to:
Support Tukipo Landowners who face more rigorous Resource Consenting requirements than others in the Tukituki due to identified in-stream phosphorus and nitrogen issues
Be proactive and create community led discussion, solutions and action
Create a shared long-term vision for our community and environment with greater returns on individual actions
Improve community connections and tap into local knowledge, strengths, inspiration and energy as well as providing support
Establishing a community voice to liaise with regional decision makers
Increase opportunities to better access funding
The TCCG aims to:
Advocate for our environment and community
Be leaders in sustainable farming practices
Improve water quality
Encourage/develop future sustainable business opportunities in our community
Link pockets of natural significance
Increase biodiversity and make/link corridors
Co-ordinated pest/weed control